Prepare Today, Protect Tomorrow

Powers of Attorney and Wills for Everyone

Let’s talk about something that may seem a bit grim but is incredibly important: having a Power of Attorney (POA) and a Will. I know, I know, it feels like something that only older folks have to worry about, but it’s crucial for everyone.

First off, imagine you’re in a situation where you can’t make decisions for yourself – like after an accident. Who’s going to handle your finances or make medical decisions on your behalf? That’s where a Power of Attorney comes in. It designates someone who you trust to take care of things when you can’t.

There are many reasons a POA becomes essential.

Times such as if you’re travelling abroad and something happens that leaves you unable to manage your affairs back home. With a Power of Attorney, a family member or trusted friend can handle everything from paying your bills to making sure your rent or mortgage is covered. Or consider a medical emergency where you’re unconscious or incapacitated. A medical Power of Attorney allows someone you trust to make crucial healthcare decisions on your behalf, ensuring your wishes are respected.

These are real-life situations where having a Power of Attorney can be a lifesaver, literally and figuratively.

Then there’s the Will.

You might think, “I don’t have much, why bother?” But it’s not just about money. A Will can specify who gets your cherished belongings or who takes care of your pets. It also makes things way easier for your loved ones during the toughest time when knowing your wishes will help.

For cohabiting couples, it’s even more critical. Without legal documents, your partner might not have any say in what happens if something goes wrong. Starting these conversations might feel awkward, but it’s all about protecting each other and being prepared. So, take a moment, have the chat, and get these documents sorted. Future you will thank you!

Whether it’s for peace of mind or practical reasons, having these conversations and documents in place is a smart move for everyone.
“As soon as we think we are safe, something unexpected happens.”Gautama

We recommend that every adult should have in place an up-to-date Will and a Power of Attorney.

Hastings Legal specialise in providing friendly legal advice and services.

We are regulated by the Law Society of Scotland so you can be sure that we have your best interests at heart.

Hastings Legal have offices in Kelso, Duns, Coldstream, Eyemouth, Selkirk and Jedburgh.

Further information

Scottish Law Society